Wednesday, February 10, 2010

T minus 5

My adventure begins in five more days. In some ways, my adventure began months ago when I truly committed to going -- all the planning and preparation, the knee-crushing workouts at the gym, the research on gear, the buying and amassing of essentials (are they really?). This dream that is becoming a reality has given me life for the past year -- something positive and meaningful to live for and work toward. It's been an adventure in itself.

But it's one thing to sit in the safety and security of one's own home and dream of life on the road or on the trail. Nothing in that world exists in your living room -- negative or positive. Not the interesting people you meet on the road/trail, not the beautiful sunrises, not the local food, not the exhileration of flying down a hill, not the feeling of absolute freedom as the road/trail stretches before you, not the gorgeous panoramic view from the top of a hill or mountain that you labored to ascend. Nor does your living room contain the rude drivers, the rain and wind, the wildlife that slithers, crawls, or walks around you (or over you), or the frustrations or annoyances of a life pared down to the absolute basics to which you are relatively unaccustomed.

In five days, I will actually live all of those things (and more). Not just ponder them or dream them. I will live them. Yay for me! I'm very excited about it. But nervous, too. Especially since my "friends" at work take sadistic joy in constantly reminding me of all of the ways I could meet my demise. Thanks, guys! And just so you know, my dear "friends," I'm an organ donor. I've specifically bequeathed my heart to all of you (particularly you, Clay), because you need one, but since I have only one (big one), it will be first-come-first-served.

On a brighter note, one of my crew just arrived, having ridden solo from Virginia. Ryan intends to ride to San Diego and hike the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT). How cool is that? Another person as equally insane as I am! Just kidding, Ryan. We're going to have an awesome time.

So I've been grilling Ryan about his travels and the things he's encountered in getting here. First and foremost, he's met some amazing people along the way -- like me! That's what I like to hear. Sure he's had difficult times, but overall he's happy to have done it and seems excited to continue on, especially with a companion or two (or seven).

So I'm counting down the days, trying to remember (and take care of) all of the little details of life. And work, too. Life is very interesting right now. Stay tuned for more to come!

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